Monday, February 24, 2014

Age of Worms

We are currently running the Age of Worms campaign set in the world of Pathfinder. In our last gaming session we just arrived in the city of Absalom. This is taking place in a steampunk style era, so things are crazy. Guns are a fairly common occurrence in the setting.

For our party, we have a human Gun-Tank that wants to play like Tony Stark (Iron Man). We have our Drunken Master dwarf Monk. The very odd and clumsy human Cleric of Iomedae (more on that below). The half-elf Rogue Scout. The mix class Dhampir Gunslinger/Inquisitor. Lastly, my character, a homebrew Artificer. The Artificier is a class our GM made and I am testing out for him. It works like an Alchemist except with engineering and crafting equipment/constructs rather than brew potion. They also do not have the mutagen feature.

On to the odd and clumsy Cleric of Iomedae. Note: This might be spoilers for Age of Worms, I don't know, so be careful before reading!

So during one gaming session we were all at Diamond Lake. Our Cleric was doing something and requested some garrison troops to bring a wagon to the cemetery. She ended up stumbling upon an Owl Bear in the graveyard (I think). She didn't want to hurt it because of her vows so she put it to sleep. Then she noticed the baby Owl Bear. She took it and after getting scratched a couple of times, decided it was best to temporarily incapacitate it... by dealing subdual damage it to until it was  unconscious. The players at the table were a little shocked, but ok.. sure. Then she proceeds to try to find the rest of the party. She is running around Diamond Lake, smacking the poor thing everytime it wakes up. She finally catches up with some of us and we all head to the cemetery.. only to find one dead guard, a severely injured guard and a dead mother Owl Bear. She had forgot about the guards with the wagon coming to meet her. It was a mess.

There are plenty of other examples but those will have to wait until another time.

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