Thursday, February 27, 2014

Feat Taxes in Pathfinder

I was browsing r/Pathfinder_RPG and I ran across this interesting article about Feat Taxes in Pathfinder.

It is something really interesting and I never really considered it. I did not know it was something that has gained enough attention to get the label "Feat Taxes". Anyway, I have always disliked taking feats I don't want to unlock feats I do want. I understand the need for balance purposes and such, but many games, like WoW, try to streamline the leveling/levels to make everything enjoyable and wanted. In WoW, they removed the filler talents and make them just part of the class. Now not everyone is happy with the WoW talent change, but the developers are trying to improve the process.

In the article the author, , lists house rules for revising or even eliminating/merging some feats. I really liked a lot of the suggestions. It can be a slippery slope though. It can unintentionally cause imbalance and over simplify if the players and GM are not careful.

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