Friday, February 21, 2014

Virtual Tabletops

So while I gather my goblins to get everything together for the blog, I wanted to talk about virtual tabletops.

Currently all of our players meet at the DM's house. That will probably not change. We do use a virtual tabletop program mainly to help with combat. We currently are using d20Pro to achieve this. It is a great program, however, the development seems very slow and there doesn't seem to be much feedback from the developers. It is meeting our needs, but I ran across Roll20 and I really like it. However there are some things I wish they both had. I really enjoy the online aspect of Roll20 and it not being a local install.

I am one of the only two techie type people in the group. So I bought d20Pro and I use it on my laptop which is connected to a TV. I run the DM side on the laptop and the player side on the TV. I edit and adjust the maps and NPCs for the campaign, which is difficult since I am not the DM and I see all the maps and NPCs before hand. With Roll20 the DM could log into the campaign and do all that himself. That being said, I have found d20Pro a little easier to use (maybe because I have used it longer) and I am not a fan of the subscription of Roll20. It isn't expensive at all, I just don't like the idea of having to sub to keep features.

I plan on bringing up Roll20 to my fellow dungeon spelunkers and get their input. Myself, I am leaning toward Roll20. They seem way more active in their development and I like most of what they offer. The d20Pro features I like are not deal breaking. I just have to redo all the campaign maps and NPCs in Roll20... Unless the DM wants to help.

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